Volunteer now

Ridgefield Park Little League is run solely by Volunteers. We are always looking for parents to help out. If you would like to volunteer to Coach, Concession stand, maintenance or something else,

Please email us at rpnjlittleleague@gmail.com

New this year: Mandatory Concession/Volunteer Hours

We have implemented a mandatory concession Volunteer policy. Being that our concession stand is used as a fundraiser, it’s imperative that it is open for ALL games. We need volunteers to do this.

A “Sign up Genius” has been created to help coordinate our Concession Stand Volunteers. Please see your email for the link to volunteer. We ask that someone from each family help out at our concession stand for at least one game or 3 hours throughout the season. You DO NOT have to volunteer for your own child’s game, as we all like to watch our child play.